Hi, I'm Pamplemouss and I'm a french developer. My main interests are cooking, making music and developing video games. As a fan of Final Fantasy XIV, it was a matter of time until I created something around it. So here it is: Eorguessr!
Here is my Ko-fi if you have any extra gils to spend! It would be really appreciated.

Special thanks to:
- Saffron, Mighty Melon, Yabuqa and Damian Gray for beta-testing
- Mighty Melon & V'ellexia for helping me stitching out photospheres
- Kaito Krit for coming up with the name
- Barathesh, for his tutorial on creating photospheres
- SamHourai, being the first one to create a Geoguessr for FFXIV
- Emery Nianh, Nibble Nao, Fafaye Faye, Bluevey Wintersoul, Willow Robyn, Myst Robyn, Oz Hayle and Marcel Michel for being the nicest Lalafells
- Saffron, Mighty Melon, Yabuqa and Damian Gray for beta-testing
- Mighty Melon & V'ellexia for helping me stitching out photospheres
- Kaito Krit for coming up with the name
- Barathesh, for his tutorial on creating photospheres
- SamHourai, being the first one to create a Geoguessr for FFXIV
- Emery Nianh, Nibble Nao, Fafaye Faye, Bluevey Wintersoul, Willow Robyn, Myst Robyn, Oz Hayle and Marcel Michel for being the nicest Lalafells